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Midweek Check-in (Jan. 22, 2025)

Good afternoon, church family!


It’s Wednesday. It’s the middle of the week. And it’s time for a midweek check-in!


Do you have a need? Here’s a thought for the middle of the week: ask for help!


As a kid growing up, one of my favorite TV shows was Full House. I’ve introduced the show to my girls (thanks, Hulu), and they love it too! The show features three grown men (Danny Tanner, Uncle Jesse and Joey) trying to raise three little girls (DJ, Stephanie and Michelle). It was perfect Friday night TV back in the 90s. Family fun with a bit of cute drama and always a heartwarming ending all wrapped up within 30 minutes.


On the first ever episode, Jesse and Joey, who are helping Danny raise his three girls, are left in charge of baby Michelle. The two young guys find themselves changing a diaper for the first time ever. You can watch this clip to see the entire scene:


Jesse and Joey demonstrate two character traits: 1) an earnest willingness to do the job and 2) complete incompetence! After hiding the dirty diaper in a plastic container, hosing the baby off at the kitchen sink and wrapping her in "super-absorbent" paper towels, the men stand back and admire their “creative” work.


That’s when older sister Stephanie finally speaks up and points out that the diapers were right there the entire time! And when the exasperated men ask her why she didn’t mention the diapers earlier, she delivers a classic line: “Nobody asked me.”


Did you know that there are several places in the Bible where God basically says: ask me!


It happened to Solomon in 1 Kings 3:5.

Sometimes Jesus simply asked: What do you want? (Mark 10:36, Mark 10:51, Matthew 20:21, Matthew 20:32)

Other times Jesus said we should just ask! (Matthew 7:7-12, John 16:24)


In our own power, we can do some things. But what if we asked God to step in? What if we relied on His strength instead of our own? I like the way James puts it.


But anyone who needs wisdom should ask God, whose very nature is to give to everyone without a second thought, without keeping score. Wisdom will certainly be given to those who ask.

James 1:5


This week may the Lord give you the courage to ask and the wisdom to live your life in service to Him! Keep reading to see the latest announcements, and remember: God loves you, and so does your pastor!


--Pastor Billy




MEN’S BIBLE STUDY: In addition to our other Wednesday evening ministries, a new men’s Bible study will begin TONIGHT, Jan. 22 at 6:30 p.m. and will meet every other Wednesday. The men will work through stories of men from the Bible with the help of the book: How God Makes Men by Patrick Morley.


CANCER-SUPPORT GROUP: The monthly meeting of the cancer-support group will take place this Saturday (Jan. 25) at 10 a.m. at the church. All are welcome!


CHILI COOK-OFF: We are bringing back our chili cook-off in partnership with our unhanging of the greens on Saturday, Feb. 1 at 5 p.m. So prepare that perfect chili recipe or just bring your appetite for a fun evening of food and packing up the Christmas decorations. Let us know what you plan to bring on the sign-up sheet in the church lobby.


EMBRACE GRACE: Our NMI (missions) president Sherilyn Elder is looking for volunteers to join her team for a new ministry. Embrace Grace is designed to help single, pregnant woman prepare for motherhood in ways that bring life and hope to both mom and baby! If you’d like to be a part of this meaningful, important new ministry that launches in February, please contact Sherilyn Elder or the church office at (316) 682-9522.




Hey, you read Pastor Billy's midweek check-in all the way to the end! As a reward, check out these crazy stories I came across recently:

  • Last Sunday the Philadelphia Eagles had a big playoff win over the L.A. Rams on a snow-covered field. Today, you can buy that snow and have it mailed to you for $50.

  • If you can read cursive, the National Archive needs your help to decipher old documents because, apparently, Artificial Intelligence can't read cursive!

  • Just in time for flu season, Progresso has released Soup Drops, a chicken soup-flavored hard candy that is being advertised as “soup you can suck on.”


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770 S Greenwich Rd Wichita, KS 67207  | |  Tel: 316-682-9522

Hours: Mon - Thurs: 9am-5pm,​​ ​Sunday: 9am-12pm

2024. Copyright. All Rights Reserved.

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