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MIDWEEK CHECK-IN (Sept. 4, 2024)

Good evening, church family!


Right here in the middle of the week is a great time to stop, check-in and be reminded of God’s faithfulness.

This past weekend at our Hawaiian-themed Ladies Luncheon, the ladies of the church got to know my wife, CJ, a little better and hear her story as well as enjoy a meal together and hear the word from Cyndee Price. Thank you to so many of you who helped make this event possible. And if you've heard CJ’s story, you know this verse is true:

But the Lord is faithful and will give you strength and protect you from the evil one. -2 Thessalonians 3:3


It was also such a joy to share in Communion with you this past Sunday. I’m thankful that we all can come humbly to the Lord’s table and remember His sacrifice that allows for the forgiveness of sins. And then we can respond with those powerful words from Isaiah 6 – “I’m here; send me!”  If you missed the worship service, you can go back anytime and watch online at


Keep scrolling to check out a few important reminders below, and don’t forget that your pastor loves you!


--Pastor Billy




A CALL TO THE MEN OF THE CHURCH: I’m calling on the men of the church to meet me next Wednesday, Sept. 11 at 7 p.m. I’ve got a few things I’d like to share, and we’ll also have a time to get to know each other a little better. Hope to see you there!


OFFICE HOURS: Our wonderful office administrative assistant, Brenda Schwing, will be out of the office Sept. 9-19. So, thank you for your prays for Pastor Billy and Pastor Nate as we attempt to keep the office functioning without her!

CANCER SUPPORT GROUP: The next meeting for our cancer support group is at the church on Saturday, Sept. 14 at 10 a.m. If you or someone you know could use help navigating the difficult path of the brokenness that cancer often brings, this group is an excellent resource. Contact Dick Graham for more information.


WAYS TO GIVE: Our church operates from the faithfulness of God and generous donations of God’s people. Thank you to the many of you who regularly give through tithes and offerings to support the ministries of our church. In addition to our online giving options, we now have a new, secure donation box in the back of the sanctuary. You’ll find it just to the right of the back doors as you exit the sanctuary.


SWAG STORE: We’ve got t-shirts, polos and a few other items in our online swag store. This isn’t a money-maker for the church, but we’d love to see our church name and logo spread throughout the area! Grab some swag and show your love for your church by visiting



Hey, you read Pastor Billy's midweek check-in all the way to the end! As a reward, check out these crazy stories I came across recently:


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