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MIDWEEK CHECK-IN (Aug. 28, 2024)

Hi, church family!


It’s a good time to pause for our midweek check-in, and before we look ahead I just want to genuinely thank you for the outpouring of love, support and prayer I experienced during the installation service this past Sunday. And it was so good to have Pastor Kendall and Denise Franklin back with us.

We also experienced a literal THUNDEROUS applause from the heavens! The highlight for me was feeling so many of you come forward and lay hands on us during Pastor Kendall’s prayer of installation. It is an honor to be your pastor!


Pastor Kendall’s gift to me was a copy of Living the Blessing, a 365-day devotional by Chic Shaver, and I’ve already enjoyed the insights I’ve gained from reading it each day.


This Saturday is an opportunity for the ladies of the church to get to know my wife, CJ, a little better. A Hawaiian-themed Ladies Lunch will take place Saturday at noon in the church foyer, and CJ will be there to share a bit of her story. Ladies, please bring a salad or dessert to share, and wear a Hawaiian shirt if you have one!


I’ll share more about our plans for Sunday’s service later on this week, but keep reading for some important reminders!


--Pastor Billy




CANCER SUPPORT GROUP: The next meeting for our cancer support group is at the church on Saturday, Sept. 14 at 10 a.m. If you or someone you know could use help navigating the difficult path of the brokenness that cancer often brings, this group is an excellent resource. Contact Dick Graham for more information.


NAME BADGES: These are extremely helpful for someone new like me! Bill Price is making sure everyone who wants a name badge has one. So if you would like one, let Bill know or sign up at the welcome desk in the foyer.


SWAG STORE: We’ve got t-shirts, polos and a few other items in our online swag store. This isn’t a money-maker for the church, but we’d love to see our church name and logo spread throughout the area! Grab some swag and show your love for your church by visiting



Hey, you made it this far in, how about a little fun? Check out these crazy stories I came across recently:


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